2011 was pretty much the worst year of my life. I'm so ready to start fresh. Sometimes I try to forget but other times I feel like it's a pretty important part of the story, so I'm kind of back and fourth as to whether I'm forgetting or moving on but not letting go.
I'm full of resolutions this year.
Number 1 - Spend more one-on-one time with each of my girls. I want to make up for lost time or any damage that was done while I was sick. Yeah yeah I know, it wasn't my fault, but I feel like there's some work to be done. Some repairs, almost.
Number 2 - Take better care of myself. Eat well, and start up with my new personal trainer Phil (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Green-Fitness-Training/182994785049263#!/pages/Green-Fitness-Training/182994785049263?sk=wall) <-- check it.
Number 3 - maintain a clean home, HA!
As soon as I can get a hold on life a bit, having my new job, doctors appointments, June in school etc. I hope to start volunteering at the General at the Cancer Centre. I think it's pretty important that I do what I can to help other people out who are experiencing what I experienced. It's kind of helpful when you're dealing with people who actually understand exactly what you're going through emotionally and physically.
This year we had an amazing Christmas. Again, we overdid it for gifts. The girls had 20 each and then a giant one together. I don't even want to tell you how much we spent when all was said and done. It's actually gross. ESPECIALLY since after about 3 gifts each, they didn't want to open anymore. Lesson learned. I kept thinking I was so grateful to be able to be here this year. Last year I was so afraid would be my last Christmas with my family, that it made this year so amazing. We started what I hope will be a new tradition this year, and went to see a movie on Christmas day. The kids were crazy for it and we brought blankets to keep cozy while we watched. It was really a great time.
Alrighty well that's that for my last post of 2011. I hope everybody has a great new year full of health and happiness because not much else matters when it comes down to it.
Lots of love, see you in 2012! BYEAH!
(Here's a picture of June this Christmas in her new Spiderman outfit she got for her birthday on the 23rd. Oh, did I mention she wore it to school that day? Mask included)

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